Photo of Dick Ackerman courtesy of the FFFF Blog
By the OC Politics Blog
Reportedly over 800 Orange County residents have sent in applications to become the next Orange County Clerk-Recorder. But will any of them really have a chance – or will the seat go to a political appointment?
Former State Senator Dick Ackerman and former State Assemblyman Chris Norby, both Republicans from Fullerton, could be the leaders of the pack. (Ackerman now lives in Irvine).
I am told that Ackerman will likely hire Laura Cunningham, who served as former Supervisor Bill Campbell’s Chief of Staff, if he gets selected to serve as Clerk-Recorder.
Will our Orange County Board of Supervisors pick a career politician or will they pick someone actually qualified for the job? You have to believe that it will be the former. That is too bad. I rather see someone experienced in the job, such as Hugh Nguyen, or Renee Ramirez, get selected.
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